Teacher Training & CPD for Philosophy in the Classroom

Our online CPD course will help you to inspire deep, critical, and philosophical thinking in your lessons!

3/19/20232 min read

Critical thinking, deep thinking, and philosophical thinking are essential skills that students need to develop in order to succeed academically and professionally. As such, it is crucial for teachers to be trained in techniques and strategies that can help students to develop these skills.

Philosophical thinking involves exploring abstract ideas, asking challenging questions, and seeking answers through logical reasoning and critical analysis. By encouraging students to engage in philosophical discussions, teachers can help them to develop important critical thinking skills such as logical reasoning, problem-solving, and evaluation of evidence. Through philosophical discussions, students can learn to think deeply and critically about a wide range of topics, from ethics and politics to science and literature.

Deep thinking involves going beyond the surface-level understanding of a topic and delving deeper into its underlying principles and concepts. This type of thinking requires students to reflect on their own assumptions and biases, as well as to consider alternative perspectives and solutions. By encouraging deep thinking, teachers can help students to develop a more nuanced understanding of complex issues, as well as to develop the ability to analyze and evaluate information.

Critical thinking is perhaps the most important of these skills, as it involves the ability to evaluate information and arguments in a logical, objective, and systematic way. Critical thinking skills are essential for academic success, as well as for success in the workplace and in everyday life. By training students in critical thinking, teachers can help them to become more discerning consumers of information, better able to evaluate claims and arguments, and more capable of making sound decisions based on evidence and reason.

In addition to the academic and professional benefits of developing critical, philosophical, and deep thinking skills, these skills also have important social and ethical implications. Students who are trained in critical thinking are better equipped to navigate complex social issues, to identify and challenge prejudice and bias, and to work collaboratively towards solutions to complex problems.

We've created a comprehensive online teacher training course that will help you to explore philosophy with young learners.

The course is designed for teachers who haven't been formally trained in philosophy who wish to foster deeper, more philosophical, and more critical thinking in their students: it serves as a comprehensive guide to bringing philosophical thinking, discussion and debate into the classroom. The course includes:

  • Innovative teaching strategies & learning activity ideas

  • Teaching resources that allow you to put your learning into practice with ease

  • Tips, tricks & advice from an experienced philosophy teacher

Regardless of your specialist teaching subject, bringing philosophical thinking into your lessons and into the lives of your students is profoundly beneficial: sign-up now to "philosophise" your teaching practice and inspire young learners to think as deeply as possible.

Click here to register for our online CPD course 'Doing Philosophy With Young Learners'!